Agnieszka Kwiatkowska
academic webpage
Agnieszka Kwiatkowska is a Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI) and an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the SWPS University in Poland.
She holds her PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw. Her research interests and expertise include political preferences and voting behaviours, encompassing both the electorate and political elites. She is also an expert in survey research, undertaking projects alongside academic, non-governmental, and business organisations, as well as political parties, think-tanks, and media outlets, including the European Commission, The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
In her recent research project PARLIN. Institutionalisation of political parties in the parliaments of Central Europe - data mining of parliamentary debates (National Science Centre, 2020-2024) she led a team in analysing voting behaviour and parliamentary speeches within five Central European countries. Currently,she also takes part in several other research projects, including ULTRAGEN. Becoming an adult in times of ultra-uncertainty: intergenerational theory of 'shaky' transitions , PI: prof. Paula Pustułka (National Science Centre, 2020-2024), aimed at mixed-methods analysis of the the long-term effects of social crises on adulthood in contemporary Poland and Women in the 2023 Polish elections, PIs: Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, Przemysław Sadura (SWPS University and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2023-2024).
During her Jean Monnet Fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre, she is investigating the discursive strategies related to democratic backsliding and democratic resilience. This research aims to dissect the predominant narratives of democracy as utilised by governing right-wing populist parties and the principal anti-populist opposition parties in Europe by integrating mixed methods research, including the application of advanced machine-learning tools to a database of parliamentary speeches from several European parliaments.
Here are the lists of her:You can find her on ORCID, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and LinkedIn.
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Research projects
Current projects
Discursive strategies od democratic backsliding and democratic resilience in Europe (2023-2024)
Position: Jean Monnet Fellowship, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
De-democratization, autocratization or the illiberal turn has been taking place in Europe throughout recent years. The aim of this research is to analyze the most prominent frames of democracy used by the governing right-wing populist parties and main anti-populist opposition parties in Europe. Using mixed-methods research, including advanced machine-learning tools on the database of parliamentary speeches in several European parliaments, I evaluate the effectiveness of discursive strategies of democratic backsliding and democratic resilience.
Funding: National Science Centre
Position: Principal Investigator
The research objective is an analysis of institutionalization of political parties since the democratic transition in five Central European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia and Hungary) as reflected in parliamentary discourse and voting. The goal will be accomplished using a set of data mining methods of analysis of textual (parliamentary debates) and numerical (roll-call voting) data on an innovative database which will be created in the project. We analyse in particular:
- How and by which parties new political issues were introduced to public discourse?
- How the semantic content of individual issues, their context and salience changed in the parliamentary debates?
- What is the relationship between the level of cohesiveness in parliamentary speeches regarding key political issues and party capability of influencing the behaviours of other political parties?
- What are relationships between: party cohesion in debates, unity in legislative voting and party splits?
Funding: National Science Centre
Position: Principal Investigator
Roll calls are widely used as a source of data for quantitative analyses, especially for US and Latin American legislators (Carey 2007, Morgenstern 2004) and Western Europe (Rosenthal, Voeten 2004, Hug 2006, 2010). Data collections from Central and Eastern Europe are incomplete and inaccurate (cf. VoteWorld: The International Legislative Roll-Call Voting Website), and their analysis includes, with rare exceptions (eg Carey, Formanek and Karpowicz 1999; Sokolowski et al. al 2008; Dudzińska 2015), only one country and a limited number of terms. As a result, there are no comparative analyses between countries, and it is virtually impossible to generalize the results of research on Central European parliaments.
The goal of the project was to produce a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of individual voting results in selected Central European Parliaments (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Lithuania, Romania), enriched with parliamentary and legislative metadata. The source of the data will be the websites of the parliaments of selected countries and data provided by governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and scientific institutions. In order to achieve high interoperability and the widest range of applications, the collection will be complemented by ParlGov world-wide resources, including election results, parliaments and governments. This will isolate local and universal effects when controlling macro level variables.
The result will be the creation of a unique collection of data to analyze the dimensions of the behaviours of political elites. In particular, the following research aims have been investigated: dimensions determining party competition; ideological cohesion of the parties; transformation of inner-party ideological divisions into party splits or loss of members; polarization of party systems; relations between the government and the opposition; socio-political divisions (especially: the attitude towards the communist past, ethnic issues, the state-church dimension, at a later stage - the issue of European integration).
Issue Competition Comparative Project (ICCP) (2019- )
Funding: SWPS University research fund
Position: Principal Co-investigator for Poland
Basing on the theoretical foundation of issue yield theory (De Sio and Weber 2014; De Sio 2018), focusing on the herestethic use of policy issues as strategic resources in multidimensional party competition, we analyse party competition in Poland through an issue competition perspective. We use data from two waves of a survey on a representative sample conducted before and after the 2019 parliamentary elections in conjunction with political party activities on Twitter and data from the Manifesto Project.
"I will not pass high school exams because I have to fight for women's rights." Social protests in Poland after the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal of October 22,2020 (2020-2021)
Funding: SWPS University research fund
Position: Principal Investigator
The ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal of October 22, 2020, which recognized the embryopathological premise as inconsistent with the Polish Constitution, caused the largest social protests since the democratic transition in 1989. According to police data, at the height of the protests approximately 430,000 people took to the streets in over 400 locations in Poland. The research objective of the project, conducted in mixed-methods methodology, is a sociological and political analysis of people taking part in protests in defense of women's rights, taking into account their motivations, forms and agents of socialization on the way to activism interpreted as entering adulthood in the civic dimension, as well as ideological coherence of participants and intra-group diversity.
Political representation in the Parliament of the Republic of Poland during the term 2015-2019 (2017- )
Funding: SWPS University research fund
Position: Principal Investigator
Survey among 125 Polish MPs focusing on their values and preferences and their perception of an idea of representation.
Polish people about Polish movies - Research study on opinions on Polish cinema and attitudes towards Polish movie productions (2019-2020)
Funding: National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute, Polish Film Institute
Position: Coordinator of survey research
The study aimed at portreying of the Polish cinema audience: their aspirations and needs, emotions related to cinema, knowledge and behaviours. Secondly, we examined how, in the perception of Poles, Polish cinema presents men and women, society and family, social and professional groups.
Past projects
Participation of women in public life (2019)
Funding: The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Position: Coordinator & researcher
The aim of the study was to analyze the participation of women in the elections to the European Parliament and the national parliament in 2019. The report on the study was presented at the seminar organised by The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. -
Poles' attitudes to the European Union, democracy and the rule of law (2018-2019)
Funding: European Commission Representation in Poland
Position: Coordinator & researcher
The aim of the analyzes is to provide reliable, in-depth knowledge of Poles' awareness of the European Union in general and in relation to specific issues within the remit of the EU, as well as phenomena inherent in EU membership - democracy and the rule of law.
Women's rights to be elected and the anti-discrimination mechanisms (2018)
Funding: The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Position: Coordinator & researcher
The aim of the project was to obtain in-depth knowledge on the impact of the quota mechanism introduced in 2011, introducing the amount of 35% for each gender on the election lists in all elections using proportional electoral system. The study was conducted on a representative quota-random sample (N = 10,521) at the turn of October and November 2018 (between the 1st and 2nd round of local elections). The report from the study, Women in elections and anti-discrimination mechanisms - the current state and forecasts for the future, presented on a conference Unfinished emancipation? 100 years of women's suffrage examines a number of issues relating to the differences observed in the political participation of women and men, including:
- Poles' beliefs about the reasons for the lower presence of women in politics
- Differences in political participation between women and men
- Awareness about the the quota system and public preferences towards modifications of this tool, i.e. what potential improvements to this project have a chance of gaining public support.
- Green Politics in Poland
My Ph.D. thesis was concerned with the process of the Polish Green Party institutionalisation and based on the research project I started as soon as the party emerged. I analysed their institutionalisation, internal divisions and conflicts, co-operation with other movements, their social base, allies and opponents as well as opportunities and obstacles of implementing their demands and achieving political success. The research methods included regular surveys at all official party congresses, interviews with key position holders, participatory observation, analysis of party documents, promotional materials and media coverage, and national and cross-national survey data analysis.
I am now extending my analyses to the Green voters in East and Central Europe, their preferences and possibilities of mobilisation to identify cultural, institutional and political obstacles for the Green Politics in East and Central Europe.
Social Movements in Poland
Transition from communist systems to democracy has found new social movements (NSM) activists in a very difficult situation. Their pre-war organisational structures and networks were destroyed by the communist governments or infiltrated by the security services. The externally imposed authoritarian regimes had also caused a number of pathologies in public life: the lack of tradition of self-organising and the destruction of fundamental social bonds that form the basis of trust towards fellow citizens, resulting in mistrust and suspiciousness against any public activity and, therefore, low levels of social activism. My research in this area is focused on the environmental, feminist and LGBT movements, as well as contemporary social and political activism in Poland in general.
State, Citizenship and Inequality
I am interested in the issue of political representation and inequality in possibilities of exercising individual’s citizenship rights and political impact. I analysed differences in citizenship knowledge and practices between men and women, their divergent ways of self-defining as members of a social and political community, and parties’ and voters’ preferences on gender of the candidates on electoral lists. I also conducted research on political preferences and voting behaviours, the impact of socio-political cleavages on the political competition, and analysed political elite formation in Poland. Currently I am researching the causes of differentiation in government responsiveness towards social movements’ claims.
Political aspects of immigration and problems of translating political systems
I have recently started researching the impact of the process of migration on changes in political perception and behaviour of the immigrants from Central East European countries. Researching migrants gives an exceptional opportunity of discovering the process of adjustment of political orientations to the new system by adult, socialised individuals, and assessing which of their components remain invariant and are carried over to the new situation, and which are replaced by local equivalents. I am interested both in how they translate political preferences and ways of understanding political events across different political systems and spaces of political competition, and, what kind of differences exists in conceptualisation of belonging and citizenship between home country and state of residence; which parts of citizen identification and practices are exclusive and which exists in both countries.
Parliamentary elites
Parliamentary speeches
Parliamentary debates are a very multifaceted source of information, in comparison with other methods of determining party positioning, like roll-call data analysis (especially when party discipline is enforced), party programs (in which the organisation is trying to present one, coherent approach, strategically imposed by a party elite, rather than a variety of ideological options existing within a party), or expert evaluations (in which experts are asked to provide an ideal point of a party position instead of a range). Therefore, they allow for the broader comparison of inter-party and intra-party conflicts and dimensions of competition and their change in time.
Polish National Election Study PNES)
The Polish National Election Study (PNES) survey began in 1997 and has been carried out after each of the five subsequent elections. Each PNES survey incorporates the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) core module, providing political scientists with a rich set of data on the mode and quality of political representation and accountability, the extent and durability of political cleavages, citizens’ normative visions of and evaluations of democracy, the positions of citizens on key political issues and their broad ideological leanings, retrospective and prospective evaluations of the economic situation, party identification and political preferences, socio-demographic characteristics, and the relationship between all the aforementioned factors and the key dependent variables of electoral participation and vote choice.
‘Political representation in the Parliament of the Republic of Poland during the term 2015-2019’. Survey among MPs focusing on their ideological position and their perception of an idea of representation
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2025, forthcoming). Poland's Opposition Politics: Resisting the Populist Swing. In E. O'Malley, F. Cavatorta, & A. Baturo (Eds.), Handbook of Opposition Politics. Edward Elgar Publishing. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., & Grzybowska-Walecka, K. (2025, forthcoming). Polarized Democracy: Diverging Attitudes towards Democracy in Poland. In K. Grzybowska-Walecka, S. Guerra, & F. Casal Bertoa (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Polish Politics. Oxford University Press. Abstract
- Muliavka, V., Kwiatkowska, A., & Plisiecki, H. (2024). In defence of democracy: parliamentary opposition and democratic resilience in Poland. East European Politics, 41(1), 117-141. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., Pustułka, P., & Buler, M. (2024). Persistence of Abortion Stigma Inscribed in the Legal Framework: The Case of Abortion Attitudes in Poland. Social Politics, 31(2), 273–297. Abstract
- Plisiecki, H., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2024). Discovering Representations of Democracy in Big Data: Purposive Semantic Sample Selection for Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 20(4), 18–43. Abstract
- Pustułka, P., Kajta, J., Kwiatkowska, A., Sarnowska, J., Radzińska, J., & Golińska, A. (2024). Settling into uncertainty and risk amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. European Societies, 26(1), 149-171. Abstract
- Sadura, P., Kwiatkowska, A., & Matyja, B. (2024). Kobiety, polityka, wybory. Najnowsze trendy dotyczące percepcji roli kobiet w polityce i ich wpływu na wyniki wyborów. Fundacja Pole Dialogu/Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Abstract
- Rawski, T., Kwiatkowska, A., & Plisiecki, H. (2024). Retoryka wykluczenia a retoryka uwiarygodnienia: „prawdziwi Polacy” w dyskursie parlamentarnym. Res Rhetorica, 11(1), 28-51. Abstract
- Rawski, T., Kwiatkowska, A., & Plisiecki, H. (2024, forthcoming). Erystyka poprawności politycznej. Między chwalebną a nienawistną kategorią pojęć. Politeja, 21(4), 239-258. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., Muliavka, V., & Plisiecki, H. (2023). Hollowed or redefined? Changing visions of democracy in the political discourse of Law and Justice. Democratization, 30(3), 458-478. Abstract
- Lazorenko, O., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2023). Democracy and Civic Space: Normative Models and Ukrainian Discourse. Filosofska Dumka, 4, 71-102. Abstract
- Pustułka, P., Radzińska, J., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2023). Strach w obliczu wojny w Ukrainie: osobiste i geopolityczne obawy młodych Polek i Polaków. Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 67(4), 458-478. Abstract
- Kajta, J., Pustułka, P., Sarnowska, J., Kwiatkowska, A., & Golińska, A. (2023). Wchodzenie w obywatelską dorosłość. Polityczne wybory młodych Polek i Polaków 2023.Youth Working Papers, 1, 3-25. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., Chwedczuk-Szulc, K., & Bolechów, B. (2022). Disentangling the Moral Rightness of Securitization: Data Mining of the Process of Framing and Shaping of Poland-United States Relations.Polish Political Science Review, 9(1), 35-59. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2021). Contested Democracy and the Rise of Archaic Derogatory Language in the Polish Parliament. In A.S. Walter (Ed.), Political Incivility in the Parliamentary, Electoral and Media Arena: Crossing Boundaries (pp.87-104). Routledge. Abstract
- Pustułka, P., Radzińska, J., Kajta, J., Sarnowska, J., Kwiatkowska, A., & Golińska, A. (2021). Transitions to Adulthood during COVID-19: Background and Early Findings from the ULTRAGEN Project. Youth Working Papers, 4, 3-65. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2021). Radykalny język protestu jako reakcja na wykluczenie i przemoc. In P. Kosiewski (Ed.), Język rewolucji (pp. 45-48). Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego. ISBN 978-83-66543-63-8 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2021). W salonie i w kinie - Polacy jako widownia filmowa. In M. Cześnik, B. Giza, A. Kwiatkowska, M. Wenzel, & M. Żerkowska-Balas (Eds.), Polacy o polskich filmach. Opinie Polaków o polskim kinie i ich postawy wobec polskiej produkcji filmowej. Badania społeczne (pp. 48-79). Filmoteka Narodowa/Instytut Audiowizualny. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., & Cześnik, M. (2020). Electoral system, political knowledge and voter turnout - complex liaisons. Polish Sociological Review, 4(212), 425-444. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2020). Kobiety w wyborach do Sejmu RP i Senatu RP w 2019 r.[Women in the elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and the Senate of the Republic of Poland in 2019]. In M. Kuruś, A. Szczerba, & A. Szypulska (Eds.), Kwoty i co dalej? Udział kobiet w życiu politycznym w Polsce. Analiza i zalecenia. [Quota systems and what next? Participation of women in political life in Poland. Analysis and recommendations] (pp. 16-34). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISSN 0860-7958 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2020). Kobiety w wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2019 r.[Women in the 2019 European Parliament elections]. In M. Kuruś, A. Szczerba, & A. Szypulska (Eds.), Kwoty i co dalej? Udział kobiet w życiu politycznym w Polsce. Analiza i zalecenia. [Quota systems and what next? Participation of women in political life in Poland. Analysis and recommendations] (pp. 35-46). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISSN 0860-7958 <Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2020). Postawy Polek i Polaków wobec wyborczych mechanizmów wyrównawczych. [Attitudes of Polish citizens towards electoral quota system]. In M. Kuruś, A. Szczerba, & A. Szypulska (Eds.), Kwoty i co dalej? Udział kobiet w życiu politycznym w Polsce. Analiza i zalecenia. [Quota systems and what next? Participation of women in political life in Poland. Analysis and recommendations] (pp. 47-60). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISSN 0860-7958 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2019). Institutionalisation without voters: the Green Party in Poland in comparative perspective. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 13(2), 273–294. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2019). The uneven institutionalization of the Green Party in Poland. In R. Harmel, & L. Svåsand (Eds.), Institutionalisation of Political Parties: Comparative Cases (pp. 133-153). ECPR Press/Rowman&Littlefield. ISBN: HB 978-1-78552-302-1 Abstract
- Markowski, R., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2018). The Political Impact of the Global Economic Crisis in Poland: Delayed and Indirect Effects. Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung, 43(4), 250-273. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2018). Poglądy - sympatie partyjne - wiedza polityczna. Przewidywanie zachowań wyborczych w wyborach parlamentarnych w 2015 roku [Political preferences – party identifications – political knowledge. Predicting voting behaviours in the 2015 parliamentary elections]. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 4, 9-35. Abstract
- Flis, J., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2018). Polski system partyjny – idee i identyfikacje [Polish party system - ideologies and identifications]. In K.A. Wojtaszczyk, P. Stawarz, & J. Wiśniewska-Grzelak (Eds.), Zmierzch demokracji liberalnej (pp.587-606). Instytut Europeistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Abstract
- Wiszejko-Wierzbicka, D., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2018). Wchodzenie w dorosłość. Ogólnopolskie badanie młodych Polaków w wieku 18-29 lat [Entering adulthood in Poland: report from a nationwide survey of young Poles aged 18-29]. Studia Socjologiczne, 2(229), 147-176. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2018). Kobiety w wyborach a mechanizmy antydyskryminacyjne - stan aktualny i prognozy na przyszłość. Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2017). Równość głosu a struktura parlamentu [Equality of vote and the structure of the parliament]. In R. Markowski (Ed.), Demokratyczny Audyt Polski 2: Demokracja wyborcza w Polsce lat 2014-2015 [Democratic Audit of Poland 2: Electoral Democracy in Poland in 2014-2015] (pp. 49-74). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISBN 978-83-65029-36-2 Abstract
- Cześnik, M., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2017). Uczestnictwo wyborcze w 2014 i 2015 roku [Political participation in 2014 and 2015]. In R. Markowski (Ed.), Demokratyczny Audyt Polski 2: Demokracja wyborcza w Polsce lat 2014–2015 [Democratic Audit of Poland 2: Electoral Democracy in Poland in 2014-2015] (pp. 27-48). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISBN 978-83-65029-36-2 Abstract
- Markowski, R., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2017). Chwiejność wyborcza Polaków [Electoral volatility in Poland]. In R. Markowski (Ed.), Demokratyczny Audyt Polski 2: Demokracja wyborcza w Polsce lat 2014–2015 [Democratic Audit of Poland 2: Electoral Democracy in Poland in 2014-2015] (pp. 105-117). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISBN 978-83-65029-36-2 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., & Markowski, R. (2017). Stabilność ideologiczna polskich elektoratów [The ideological stability of the Polish voters]. In R. Markowski (Ed.), Demokratyczny Audyt Polski 2: Demokracja wyborcza w Polsce lat 2014–2015 [Democratic Audit of Poland 2: Electoral Democracy in Poland in 2014-2015] (pp. 153-168). Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. ISBN 978-83-65029-36-2 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2017). ‘Hańba w Sejmie’ - zastosowanie modeli generatywnych do analizy debat parlamentarnych [‘Disgrace in the Parliament’ - application of generative topic modelling in the analysis of parliamentary debates]. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 13(2), 82-109. Abstract
- Wiszejko-Wierzbicka, D., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2017). The Polish Academy of Sciences. In A. Jakab, Z. Körtvélyesi (Eds.), The Situation and Reform Opportunities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Historical and Comparative Outlooks (pp. 180-190). Osiris Kiadó. ISBN 978-963-276-292-0 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A., Cześnik, M., Żerkowska-Balas, M., & Stanley, B. (2016). Ideologiczna treść wymiaru lewica-prawica w Polsce w latach 1997-2015 [The ideological content of the left-right dimension in Poland in the period of 1997-2015]. Studia Socjologiczne, 4(223), 97-129. ISSN 0039−3371 Abstract
- Żerkowska-Balas, M., Lyubashenko, I., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2016). Determinanty preferencji wyborczych: Polska w latach 1997-2015 [Determinants of voting behaviour: Poland in the period of 1997-2015]. Studia Socjologiczne, 4(223), 69-96. ISSN 0039−3371 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2013). Efekty zastosowania systemu kwotowego w Polsce [The effects of the quota system in Poland]. In M. Jeziński, M. Nowak-Paralusz (Eds.), Problematyka kobieca — konteksty [Women's studies — contexts] (pp. 29-54). Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK. ISBN 978-83-231-3040-6 Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. (2013). Demokracja namiotowa [Tent Democracy]. Winning photo-essay in the 2012 edition of Qualitative Sociology Review's photo competition.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2013). Zieloni w latach 2004–2011 [The Greens in 2004–2011].
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2011). Zieloni 2004: studium instytucjonalizacji partii politycznej nurtu postmaterialistycznego [The Greens 2004: Study of Institutionalisation of a Postmaterialist Party]. Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2010). Koncepcja obywatelstwa w teorii feministycznej [The idea of citizenship in feminist theory]. In J. Raciborski (Ed.), Praktyki obywatelskie Polaków [Citizenship Practices of Poles] (pp. 185-220). Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN. Abstract
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2008). Zieloni 2004 – reprezentacja nowych ruchów społecznych na polskiej scenie politycznej [The Greens 2004 – the representation of new social movements on the Polish political scene]. In K. Sobolewska-Myślik, A. Hess and K. Kowalczyk (Eds.), Polska scena polityczna. Środowiska – komunikacja polityczna – strategie [Polish political scene. Ideological groups – communication – strategies] (pp. 328-339). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. ISBN 978-83-233-2964 Abstract
- P. Sadura, A. Kwiatkowska. (2008). Green politics in a post-political society. In P. Sadura (Ed.), Polish shades of green. Green ideas and political powers in Poland. Brussels/Warsaw: Green European Foundation/Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- P. Sadura, A. Kwiatkowska. (2008). Zielona polityka w społeczeństwie postpolitycznym.. In P. Sadura (Ed.) Polski odcień zieleni. Zielone idee i siły polityczne w Polsce. Warsaw: Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2008). Zielona polityka. Analiza dokumentów programowych partii Zieloni 2004 [Green Politics. Analysis of the Platform Documents of the Polish Greens]. Working paper for Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2008). Zieloni 2004 – raport z badań ankietowych [The Greens 2004 – survey report]. Working paper for Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2008). Green Electoral Capability in Poland Study. Working paper for the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2006). Charakterystyka społeczno-demograficzna polskiej elity rządowej 1997-2004 [Socio-demographic characteristics of the Polish ruling elite 1997-2004]. In J. Raciborski (Ed.), Elity rządowe III RP 1997-2004. Portret socjologiczny [The ruling elite of III Republic of Poland 1997-2004. A sociological portrait] (pp. 51-72). Wydawnictwo Trio. ISBN 83-7436-057-7 Abstract
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2006). Jakość demokracji i wybory w krajach pokomunistycznych (Aneks) [The quality of democracy and elections in post-communist states (Appendix)]. In J.J. Wiatr (Ed.), Przemiany polityczne w państwach pokomunistycznych [The political changes in the post-communist countries]. Wydawnictwo Scholar.
- A. Kwiatkowska. (2003). Polski ruch LGBT jako nowy ruch społeczny [Polish LGBT movement as a new social movement]. Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw. Abstract
- Kwiatkowska, A. Resisting the Conservative Swing: Gender Mobilisation in the 2023 Polish Elections. The European Governance and Politics Program Seminar, European University Institute, 24.04.2024 Florence (forthcoming).
- A. Kwiatkowska. In defence of democracy: parliamentary opposition and democratic resilience in Poland. SISP 36th Annual Conference, 14-14.09.2023 Genoa.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: V. Muliavka, H. Plisiecki. Hollowed or redefined? Changing visions of democracy in the political discourse of Law and Justice. ECPR General Conference, Charles University, 4-8.09.2023 Praha.
- H. Plisiecki, co-authors: T. Rawski, A. Kwiatkowska. Belonging through exclusion. The rhetoric of 'true Poles' in Polish parliamentary speeches. ECPR General Conference, Charles University, 4-8.09.2023 Praha.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: A. Golińska, J. Radzińska. Settling in Uncertainty and Risk: Polish Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the War in Ukraine. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 25.06-1.07.2023 Melbourne.
- P. Pustułka, co-authors: J. Sarnowska, A. Kwiatkowska. An Intergenerational Perspective on Transitions-to-Adulthood in a Polycrisis Era. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 25.06-1.07.2023 Melbourne.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Predicting MPs' Ideological Positions: Linking Multilingual Parliamentary Speeches with Roll-Call Voting and Socio-Demographic Data. COMPTEXT. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data, University of Strathclyde, 12-13.05.2023 Glasgow.
- H. Plisiecki, co-authors: A. Kwiatkowska, V. Muliavka. Party cohesion and survival in Central and Eastern Europe. COMPTEXT. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data, University of Strathclyde, 12-13.05.2023 Glasgow.
- J. Radzińska, co-authors: P. Pustułka, A. Kwiatkowska. Młodzi dorośli i strach przed wojną: osobiste i geopolityczne obawy młodych Polek i Polaków . Konferencja Wojna na Ukrainie i jej społeczne, psychologiczne oraz polityczne konsekwencje, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, 8-10.05.2023 Krasiczyn.
- P. Pustułka, A. Kwiatkowska, J. Sarnowska-Wilczyńska, J. Kajta, A. Golińska, J. Radzińska. Wchodzenie w dorosłość w Polsce w czasach ultraniepewności. Pomiędzy społecznymi oczekiwaniami a subiektywnym poczuciem bycia dorosłą_ym. Seminarium Researching Young Lives 3, SWPS University, 20.04.2023 Warszawa.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Voting Unity In Central European Parliaments 1993-2021: The Impact of Party Status and Size. Midwest Political Science Association Conference, 13-16.04.2023 Chicago.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: V. Muliavka, H. Plisiecki, Hollowed or redefined? Framing the democratic backsliding in the political discourse of Law and Justice. Midwest Political Science Association Conference, 13-16.04.2023 Chicago.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Kryzys demokracji i polaryzacja społeczna. Konferencja Kryzys państwa? Państwo wobec kryzysów, Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 9-10.03.2023 Warszawa.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-author: H. Plisiecki Finding Democracy in Big Data: Word-Embedding-Based Sample Selection for Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research. I Warsztat Ilościowych Badań Politycznych, 9.02.2023 Warszawa.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: A. Dziubińska, V. Muliavka, H. Plisiecki. Autorytaryzacja w służbie suwerena, Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne, 14-17.09.2022 Warszawa.
- H. Plisiecki, co-authors: A. Kwiatkowska, V. Muliavka. Party cohesion and survival in Central and Eastern Europe. Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne, 14-17.09.2022 Warszawa.
- H. Plisiecki, as a co-author: A. Kwiatkowska. Automatyczne wyszukiwanie dokumentów w dużych korpusach tekstowych. Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne, 14-17.09.2022 Warszawa.
- K. Grzybowska-Walecka, A. Kwiatkowska, M. Rawłuszko, J. Struzik. Współczesny polski protest - grupa tematyczna. Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne, 14-17.09.2022 Warszawa.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: J.Sarnowska, D. Wiszejko-Wierzbicka. Transitions to adulthood in Poland across two generations: between structural and psychological obstacles. ESA RN13 Interim Meeting. Family Lives, Intimacies and Social Change: New perspectives on families in flux, Warsaw University and SWPS University, 27-29.06.2022 Warsaw.
- A. Kwiatkowska, P. Pustułka. Mobilisation against the abortion stigma during a conservative crusade in Poland. 11th European Feminist Research Conference: Social Change in a Feminist Perspective: Situating Gender Research in Times of Political Contention, University of Milano-Bicocca, 15-18.06.2022 Milan.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: V. Muliavka, H. Plisiecki. Hollowed-out or Redefined? Changing Visions of Democracy in Poland. The End of “Freedom” in Central and Eastern Europe? Addressing the Challenges of an Illiberal Turn, Andrássy University, 9-11.06.2022 Budapest.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-author: K. Grzybowska-Walecka. Youth Tells a Different Story: Mobilizing for or against Democracy?. The End of “Freedom” in Central and Eastern Europe? Addressing the Challenges of an Illiberal Turn, Andrássy University, 9-11.06.2022 Budapest.
- H. Plisiecki, co-authors: A. Kwiatkowska, V. Muliavka. Extracting general topics from large text corpora with word-embedding based saturation methods. COMPTEXT. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data, University College Dublin, 6-7.05.2022 Dublin.
- V. Muliavka, co-authors: A. Kwiatkowska, H. Plisiecki. Opposition Parties in Defence of Democracy: Changing discourse of Civic Platform in Poland in 2001-2020. ECPR Joint Sessions 2022, University of Edinburgh, 19-22.04.2022 Edinburgh.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Strategic repositioning in the party system: The electoral success of the Polish Green Party. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 10.03.2022 London.
- H. Plisiecki, co-authors: A. Kwiatkowska, V. Muliavka. Automatyczne wyszukiwanie dokumentów w dużych korpusach tekstowych. III Studencko-Doktorancka Konferencja Naukowa KONFA. Archeologia i filologia klasyczna. Współpraca i wspólne wyzwania w XXI w., Uniwersytet Warsawski, 25.02.2022 Virtual Event.
- A. Kwiatkowska, co-authors: A. Dziubińska, V. Muliavka, H. Plisiecki. Changing visions of democracy. 6th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, 1-2.07.2021 Virtual Event.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Elity, obywatele, demokracja - kadencja 2015-2019. Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologizne, 11-14.09.2019 Wrocław.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Predicting Roll-Call Voting from Parliamentary Speeches: Latent Topic Modelling and Network Analysis. ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw University, 4-7.09.2019 Wrocław.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Kobiety w wyborach a mechanizmy antydyskryminacyjne – stan aktualny i prognozy na przyszłość". Konferencja Niedokończona emancypacja? 100 lat praw wyborczych kobiet„Stulecie praw wyborczych w Polsce, Uniwersytet SWPS, 22.10.2018 Warszawa.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Legislative voting unity in East and Central European Parliaments. ECPR General Conference, Hamburg University, 22-25.08.2018 Hamburg.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Polarization and Cohesion in Legislative Voting and Speeches, Poland 1997-2017. Konferencja „Dylematy demokracji”, Uniwersytet SWPS, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, 26-27.10.2017 Wisła.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Diversity and Cohesion of the Polish Parliamentary Parties. ECPR General Conference, Oslo University, 6-9.09.2017 Oslo.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Disgrace, Dishonour and Shame: The Rise of Extreme Rhetoric in Polish Parliament. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nottingham University, 25-30.04.2017 Nottingham.
- A. Kwiatkowska. The uneven institutionalization of the Green Party in Poland. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, 11-14.01.2017 New Orleans.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Finding latent dimensions in Polish parliamentary debates. CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Working with Parliamentary Records, 27-29.03.2017 Sofia.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Nowe partie, nowe elektoraty – Nowoczesna i Kukiz’15 w świetle wyników Polskiego Generalnego Studium Wyborczego 2015. Nowe partie, nowe ruchy polityczne, nowe elity. Idea i praktyka współczesnej demokracji w Europie, UKSW, 17.11.2016 Warszawa.
- A. Kwiatkowska. ’Hańba w Sejmie’ - zastosowanie modeli generatywnych do analizy debat parlamentarnych”. XVI Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Uniwersytet Gdański, 14-17.09.2016 Gdańsk.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Uneven Institutionalisation of the Polish Greens 2004-2015. ECPR Joint Sessions, The University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, 24-28.04.2016 Pisa.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Tracking Agency in Structuring Political Competition using Automated Multidimensional Topic Modelling. ECPR Joint Sessions, Warsaw University, 29.03.-2.04.2015 Warsaw.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Steps forward, steps backward: communist legacy, European Union and feminist movement' organizations. The “next step” in the development of the civil society in Central and Eastern Europe?, Institute for Western Affairs, Adam Mickiewicz University, 4-5.12.2014 Poznań.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Political opportunity structure of Green and Left parties in the CEE countries.. 19th Annual Conference of Central European Political Science Association: Liberal or Other Democracy? 25 Years After the ‘Annus Mirabilis’ in Central Europe, CEPSA, 26-27.09.2014 Prague.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Changing political opportunity structure of new social movements in the CEE countries. 2nd Theory, Action and Impact of Social Protest Conference, University of Kent, 28-29.03.2014 Canterbury.
- A. Kwiatkowska. The temporality of waves of feminism in Eastern and Central Europe. London Conference of Critical Thought, University of London, 6-7.06.2013 London.
- A. Kwiatkowska. The feminist movement in Poland: divided we stand. Theory, Action and Impact of Social Protest Conference, University of Kent, 12-13.10.2012 Canterbury.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Why are we failing to organise? Contemporary social activism in Poland. Sociology and Contemporary Global Social Activism Conference, University of Roehampton, 15.06.2012 London.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Systemy kwotowe w ordynacjach wyborczych. II Akademicki Kongres Feministyczny, Jagiellonian University, 26-28.09.2011 Kraków.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Partia Zielonych w polskim systemie politycznym. Polska scena polityczna. Środowiska, komunikacja polityczna, strategie, Jagiellonian University, 21-22.10.2009 Krynica.
- A. Kwiatkowska. O feministycznych modyfikacjach systemów wyborczych. Polskie przemiany, University of Warsaw, 24.05.2009 Warsaw.
- A. Kwiatkowska, P. Sadura. "Zielony potencjał". Raport z badań recepcji zielonych idei w polskim społeczeństwie. “Building a Green strategy for winning elections in Poland” Workshop, Green European Institute, 12-14.09.2008 Warsaw.
- A. Kwiatkowska. Efekty zastosowania systemu kwotowego w Polsce. Konferencja "Dyskurs o kobietach i mężczyznach", University of Toruń, 16-18.04.2008 Toruń.
Selected media appearances
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